90 Day TOPRO Troja Weather Experiment

Can your rollator survive outdoor wear and tear like this? We tested the Topro Troja rollator last winter under rough and hard conditions for 90 days. It was continuously left outside in one of Germany’s forests under thick snow, rain, sunshine and frost.
After 90 days the rollator was tested for any damage or dysfunctions conducted by the German Medical Product Regulations (Vorschriften der Medizinprodukte-Betreibervordnung).
These were the results:
- Screws and other wear and tear on parts – No damage.
- Brakes and wheels functioning as normal – No damage.
- Maximum user weight of 150kg tested. No problem.
- The exterior coating – No damage
- Functionality – No damage
Conclusion: The test result was unambiguous; no mechanical damage and no rust. All functions were in order.